The County Clerk’s office is most likely best known for motor vehicle registration and licensing. In addition, the office now prints titles for the State of Tennessee Department of Revenue, expediting the titling process for Greene Countians.
The county clerk serves as clerk of the county legislative body. The clerk is responsible for sending required public notices and keeping the minutes of the county legislative body meetings.
The county clerk serves as secretary to the beverage board. The board is responsible for issuing both on-premises and off-premises permits to sell beverages in unincorporated areas of the County. The beverage board is a part of the county legislative body’s public services committee and meets monthly on the second Wednesday in the County Clerk’s Office.
In addition, occupancy tax is remitted to the county clerk by hotel and motel operators in Greene County.
Since notaries public are elected by the County Legislative Body, the county clerk keeps a record of the notaries public in the county and has duties involving coordination between the secretary of state and the notary applicant. The oath of office of notaries is administered by the county clerk.